Showing All Posts From June 2016

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Tackling “Letting Yourself Go”

When I was in college, I always hoped that if I took enough psychology classes I would learn the science behind quitting. Sure, maybe your mom enrolled you in theater classes when you were 5 with the hope that you would let her vicariously live out her dream of being on broadway, a dream that […]



Sorting Through Certifications

The growth of social media and the internet in general is a great thing. It allows us to keep in contact with friends and family members who live considerable distances from us, has introduced the new hobby of “Netflix and chill”, and allows us the opportunity to share our opinions and passions with the world […]



Train like an Athlete

At the start of every year, our gyms and our Instagram feeds are filled with the “New Years Resolutioners”. By March they are replaced with the “Spring Breakers”. With the warmer weather upon us we will ultimately see the emergence of the “Swim Suit Season-ers”. A lot of time the motivation for starting a fitness […]